European tourism trends 2024: What shapes customer choice?

May 8, 2024

Ivan Verkalets

CTO, Co-Founder at COAX


Forget everything (okay, almost everything) you knew about tourism before. Hot travel destinations for 2024 are changing as new trends dictate new rules. Niche categories turn into primary ones. For instance, Stuart McDonald from Travelfish says sustainable tourism is no longer a high-priced whim. Add the word ‘budget’ for it — and you will grasp the hottest tourist needs. And this market is only growing!

European travel market

The revival of European tourism: Statistics

If the previous couple of years were marked by increased interest in Asian and African countries, Europe is regaining its impact this year. According to Statista, Central and Eastern European countries will increase their visitor numbers by 22.3%. It’s no wonder — traveling to Europe boasts diverse landscapes, rich cultural tapestries, and a renewed commitment to sustainability. Continue reading to stay in tune with trends in the European travel market.

Referring to European tourism statistics again, 60% of tourists stated their plans to travel to Europe in September 2023, signaling a renewed interest in its appeal. After a significant downshift in the destination’s interests after the pandemic, the conflict in the Middle East, and the Russian war in Ukraine, Europe’s travel attraction is reviving.

European tourism trends

The Accor Group's European travel trends report shows renewed enthusiasm among travelers, with over half of Europeans anticipating increased travel budgets in 2024 compared to the previous year. From luxury travel destinations to trendy solo travel destinations and budget Europe experiences, we will guide you through the European tourism trends to shape your business this year.

Top trends shaping the European travel market

Despite cost pressures, travelers remain optimistic about their spending power and eager to explore new destinations. For example, from 2024 on, the Czech Republic visitors will increase their leisure travel spending by 204%, while France and Spain will gain 70% more. Sustainability and environmental consciousness are guiding many travel decisions, and niche interests are also gaining popularity as travelers curate trips around their passions.

European travel trends

Sustainability is the new black of travel experience

According to, 76% of tourists say climate concerns will directly impact their travel/booking behavior. While some plan to fly less frequently to reduce emissions, conscious travelers seek destinations that prioritize environmental preservation and cultural authenticity. From eco-friendly accommodations to responsible wildlife tourism, Europe embraces sustainable practices:

  • 75% of tourists refer to unusual travel destinations due to budget-conscious, safe, eco-friendly offerings and unique, less crowded, and authentic experiences.
  • In this surge, travel businesses prioritize eco-friendly accommodations, responsible wildlife tourism, and minimizing environmental impact (read our guide on sustainable tourism to find out how).
  • Travel providers emphasize their marketing efforts on local traditions and protecting natural habitats while building targeted campaigns.
  • Travel agencies and hotels partner with sustainable tour operators focused on cultural immersion, and optimize their carbon footprint by choosing sustainable materials, logistics, and day-to-day operations.

Being green is more than planting greenery in your area and offering a vegan menu in the buffet. For example, scooter and bike usage rose by 160% this year, so consider partnering with providers and offering your equipment. To create a sustainable travel experience, you should start from the core — reducing paper waste by digitizing your receipts and cutting wait times and queues by choosing the right travel software development services tailored to your needs.

travel destinations

Cost is the final word in choosing travel destinations

Your potential customers are surely Googling ‘cheap travel destinations Europe’ while looking for booking options. Some businesses are scared and deterred by this fact: 36% of them express concern about travel costs as the main factor of revenue decline. While European travelers are optimistic about their spending power, the lingering effects of inflation have prompted many to seek cost-saving measures.

The Accor report reveals that 87% of travelers are taking steps to reduce expenses, such as choosing lower-priced accommodations or reducing their spending money. Here are some ways to respond to their needs to become one of the best affordable travel destinations:

  • Partner with hostels, guesthouses, or more affordable hotel chains to reduce price tags.
  • Bundle accommodations with transportation and activities at a discounted rate.
  • Highlight cost-saving amenities like free breakfast, self-catering facilities, or complimentary shuttles.
  • Offer off-season discounts for traveling during less popular periods of the year.
  • Offer guides and order gues posting to provide travel tips and recommendations for free/low-cost activities, public transportation, and ways to experience the local culture on a budget.
  • Build an adaptable pricing strategy with tiers like basic, mid-range, and luxury options to cater to different levels.
  • Make the travel experience more attractive with early booking offers or loyalty programs.

Consider offering tours to cheaper, and, perhaps, more unusual travel destinations.

cheap travel destinations Europe

By understanding the needs rather than keeping up with the established practices, you can be closer to building a community of repeat customers and driving engagement. After all, you are selling experiences to people, and people have their problems, constraints, and considerations, and your best winning strategy is to go along with them.

Safety is the driving factor of traveling to Europe in 2024

Safety remains a top priority, with 45% of travelers citing it as a crucial factor in destination selection. Keeping safe becomes even more important for solo travelers, and it’s a hot trend rather than a niche now, creating a real need to transform your offerings. 

Solo travel destinations are gaining popularity in Europe. From providing abilities for social distancing to ensure health security to providing safe tours and bundling travelers, there are some ways you can cater to European tourism safety trends:

  • Make emphasis on reliability! Only collaborate with trustworthy local guides, reliable taxis, ride-sharing, or private car services, especially for airport transfers and late-night travel.
  • Turn your accommodation into a safety zone with well-lit areas and secure room access systems. Utilize support through IoT devices, online chatbots, and well-trained staff.
  • Give opportunities for solo travelers to connect, through organized meetups or by providing dedicated spaces and joined tours for your tourists to buddy up.
  • Provide your customers with safety travel guides that contain emergency contacts, local precautions, and areas to avoid so they don’t get in trouble. 

Remember to take responsibility for your travelers. You can win by gaining an army of brand advocates who share their safe and comfortable experiences and increase your brand reach.

Off-the-beaten-path and unique travel destinations

In 2024, travelers tend to escape the well-trodden paths, looking for authentic experiences in hidden gems across Europe. From the picturesque villages of Italy's Cinque Terre to the rugged landscapes of Scotland's Isle of Skye, these lesser-known destinations offer a chance to immerse oneself in local cultures and breathtaking natural beauty.

unique travel destinations

A global survey in early 2024 emphasized Marbella, Spain, as the best European travel destination. Next, followed Monaco and Malta, with more than 130,000 votes each, showing the raging appeal of these popular destinations.

According to the European Travel Commission's report, destinations like the Piedmont region in Italy, New Aquitaine in France, and the East of England are quickly becoming the trending spots for 2024. These regions are gaining popularity due to their unique blend of cultural attractions, natural landscapes, and gastronomic experiences.

unusual travel destinations

Health and wellness tourism is no longer a whim of luxury travel destinations

After the pandemic, a focus on self-care and well-being became even more prominent. The wellness tourism market will reach 1.4 trillion U.S. dollars by 2027. Travelers crave relaxing experiences that improve their health, through wellness retreats, outdoor adventures, sports, or healthy and traditional culinary experiences.

We mentioned the Scottish Isle of Skye as another popular destination. Dramatic cliffs, lochs, and ancient castles attract nature enthusiasts who care for their mental health. The island's remote landscapes offer a unique opportunity to disconnect from the hustle of city life.

Many lesser-known regions have been able to preserve their cultural heritage and natural environments, making them attractive options for eco-conscious travelers. Fresh air and groups for meditation, sports, yoga, and hiking allow businesses to explore new services and increase revenue from such offerings.

travel destinations 2024

Music tourism as an inspiring Europe travel experience

The appeal of music festivals and concerts will drive a significant portion of European travel demand in 2024. According to a report from Amadeus, 49% of Spanish tourists and 48% of British travelers have traveled to attend a concert or festival, with German music fans being the most adventurous in international travel for these events.

To make the most out of this trend, keep close to event organizers to create travel packages that bundle concert tickets, flights, and accommodation, which would be even more attractive for international travelers who need assistance with logistics and navigating a new destination. 

Your accommodation can also be made much better for music fans. Themed rooms, artist meet-and-greets, or late check-out times to accommodate festival schedules can be your secret to unlock more music-oriented bookings.

best travel destinations

Traveling to Europe in 2024: Exciting destinations to consider as your next offering

As people look for fresh travel experiences in 2024, several European destinations are emerging as top hotspots. Let's explore some of the most promising regions for your customers that will help you increase your bookings and revenue.

Italy as one of the most attractive travel destinations in 2024

Cultural tourism remains Europeans' top travel motivation, with 27% interest. Destinations must balance experiential offerings like hiking, natural landscapes, and local cuisine with outstanding cultural attractions and accessibility.

According to trend analyst Mabrian, Italy continues to captivate travelers with its rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Four regions stand out as must-visit destinations among the top 10 travel destinations: apart from Piedmont, Campania, Lombardy, and Emilia-Romagna are gaining a real allure.

France and Germany’s hidden gems of European tourism

Two French regions also make the list of rising stars: New Aquitaine and Occitanie. New Aquitaine, with lively hubs like Bordeaux, Biarritz, and Limoges, perfectly caters to food/wine enthusiasts and outdoor adventurers while boasting excellent air links.

New Aquitaine and Occitanie regions are gaining popularity among travelers seeking authentic local experiences. New Aquitaine, with vibrant cities like Bordeaux, Biarritz, and Limoges, is a haven for food and wine lovers and adventure seekers. 

Germany's North Rhine-Westphalia and Hamburg are among the top European travel destinations. Excellent air connections make it accessible for those traveling to Europe, and shopping and beer tours make up the list of attractions. Eco-tourism is popular too, with Germany offering green commuting with bicycles and other eco-transport.

solo travel destinations Europe

The UK and Portugal offer unique travel destinations

51% of tourists still care about traveling to Europe from the UK in 2024. However, the country is becoming increasingly popular for inbound and overseas tourists. The East of England, encompassing Cambridge, Essex, and Norfolk, is quickly becoming a favorite among travelers. 

This region combines cultural attractions and natural wonders, making it a rising star in the European tourism market. With strong transport connections, the East of England is well-positioned to become a major travel destination.

Portugal's Lisbon province is another up-and-coming destination, offering a captivating blend of cultural gems and breathtaking natural wonders. Whether your customers want a diverse adventure or a relaxing getaway, this region promises an unforgettable European travel experience.

Europe travel destinations

The hot factor of booking in 2024: Travel technology and software solutions

Online booking platforms, hotel PMS systems, review websites, and social media are must-have tools for creating a seamless travel experience. They let customers research destinations, compare prices, and make informed decisions. 

Perfect booking and logistics for your travel destinations in 2024

Travel apps go beyond just getting from point A to point B. For instance, to cater to specific needs and European tourism trends, you can give your tourists much more with apps specifically designed for a music festival they are attending, so they can create a personalized schedule, order food and drinks with convenient apps, and even connect with other festival-goers.

Technology also streamlines travel logistics and fosters a sense of community and connection among travelers. Sharing real-time experiences on social media allows friends and family to be part of the journey, and platforms are great for connecting with like-minded adventurers and exchanging tips and recommendations.

travel software solutions

All-in-one travel software solutions to free up your hands

Innovative technology enhances unusual experiences in your travel destinations and frees up your resources. Virtual reality tours provide immersive previews of potential destinations, while mobile apps facilitate language translation and navigation, enhancing the overall travel experience. 

Property management systems can easily become your best helpers in promoting sustainable practices and catering to eco-conscious travelers. Encourage energy-saving practices with IoT devices like smart thermostats and lighting systems, and promote safety with wearables to showcase your business as responsible and environmentally friendly. 

Europe travel destinations are all about speed and comfort. A custom CRM solution allows property managers to gather guest preferences and tailor communication accordingly. You can also win with an efficient CRM providing personalized information on local attractions and activities based on guest interests, or offer loyalty programs that reward repeat guests.

Make the most out of Europe travel destinations

European tourism in 2024 prioritizes affordability and sustainability, with travelers seeking unique experiences beyond popular destinations. Travel destinations in 2024 offer eco-friendly practices, budget options, and hidden gems in high demand, while technology helps simplify the hassle that comes with journey planning and navigation. 

We firmly believe that businesses catering to these trends will stand out among dozens of travel companies. If you already have a travel management system or a booking app in place, adding new functionality is a must to attract tourists traveling to Europe and other travel destinations. With the solid tech backup, you can offer cost-effective packages, embrace sustainable practices, and promote lesser-known locations to capitalize on the resurgence of European travel in 2024.


How can travel businesses adapt to the rising demand for sustainable tourism?

Implementing eco-friendly practices, such as reducing waste, using renewable energy sources, and partnering with local communities, can help businesses meet the growing demand for sustainable tourism for people traveling to Europe nowadays.

What strategies can travel companies employ to cater to cost-conscious travelers?

Travel companies can offer flexible pricing options, package deals, and early booking discounts to appeal to cost-conscious travelers. Highlighting budget-friendly travel destinations, accommodations, and activities can help attract travelers seeking affordable experiences.

How can businesses leverage technology to enhance the travel experience?

Businesses can integrate mobile apps that assist international tourists with translation and navigating through facilities, and online booking platforms provide personalized experiences. Also, using data analytics and machine learning can help businesses tailor their offerings.

What role do travel companies play in promoting off-the-beaten-path destinations?

Travel companies can offer lesser-known destinations through targeted campaigns and partnerships with local communities. In tune with European tourism statistics, offering unique cultural experiences and natural wonders, you can attract tourists seeking authentic adventures.

How can travel businesses cater to the growing need for health and wellness tourism?

Businesses can partner with wellness retreats and offer specialized tours and activities focused on European travel trends of mindfulness and healthy living. Promoting destinations known for their natural beauty and outdoor activities can appeal to travelers seeking escape and self-care.

What opportunities does music tourism present for travel companies?

Travel companies can create packages centered around music festivals, concerts, and cultural events. You can partner with event organizers, offering exclusive experiences, and providing accommodations and transportation to satisfy entertainment craves.

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